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Projects in ColdFront are containers that allow faculty to organize their resource allocations and personnel. This allows you to have a project for your research group and a separate project for use by your class.



Projects in ColdFront can only be created by faculty and staff, students do not have permission to create projects. Students can be added as Managers to help administer a project if the project owner wishes.

To create a project:

  1. Go to the projects list page in ColdFront.

  2. Select the Add a project button.

    Screenshot of add a project button

  3. Fill out the form. The form varies depending on the project type. When you select a Research project type, you are asked about the field of science.

    Screenshot of new research project form

    When you select an Education project type, you are asked about the course details.

    Screenshot of new education project form

  4. Click Save.

User Management

Users can be added and removed from a ColdFront project to control access to the allocations available in the project.

Adding Users

  1. Go to the project page. You can select it from the projects list page.

    Screenshot of the project page.

  2. Select the Add User button.

    Screenshot of the Add User button.

  3. Search for user. You can search by username, first name, last name, or email. If you are searching by username, you can bulk add by adding each username on each new line.

    Screenshot of the user search form.

  4. Select the user in the search result you want to add (you can add multiple) and (if applicable) select any allocation you want to add the user to. Then press the Add Selected Users button.

    Screenshot of selecting user and allocation in user search form.

Removing Users


You can also just remove users from an allocation without removing them from the project. See the allocation user management documentation.

To remove users from a project:

  1. Go to the project page. You can select it from the projects list page.

    Screenshot of the project page.

  2. Select the Remove User button.

    Screenshot of the Remove User button.

  3. Select the user(s) to remove, then press the Remove Selected Users button.

    Screenshot of the remove users form.


A project owner can specify certain users as Managers. These users can help administrate the ColdFront project on behalf of the faculty member (for example, a senior graduate student or class TA).

Managers can:

  • Request Allocations
  • Renew Allocations
  • Add and Remove Users
  • Add grants, publications, and research outputs
  • Submit project reviews

To convert a user to a Manager:

  1. Go to the project page. You can select it from the projects list page.

    Screenshot of the project page.

  2. In the Users section, select the Edit link for the user to be converted.

    Screenshot of the edit user link.

  3. Select the Manager role and press update.

    Screenshot of the user edit form.

Notification Preferences

If Project Users do not want to be notified about allocation approval and expirations, they can opt out of notifications.


Notifications cannot be disabled for the Project Owner or Managers.

  1. Go to the project page. You can select it from the projects list page.

    Screenshot of the project page.

  2. In the Users section, uncheck enable notifications checkbox for the appropriate user.

    Screenshot of the edit user link


Once a year, each project is due for a review. During the review period, the project owner cannot request or renew any allocations.

When your project is due for review, you will see a message on the top of the project page.

Screenshot of project due for review

To complete a review, the project owner or a Manager should perform the following steps from the project page in ColdFront:

  1. Verify project description is accurate and updated.
  2. Add any new publications from the past year that were related to this research project.
  3. Add any new grants from the past year that were related to this research project.
  4. Add any other research outputs from the past year.
  5. Update the users within the project. Make sure you remove any users that are no longer working on the project.

Finally, you select the "Review Project" link at the top of the project page to complete the review. You will attest that you have updated the project to the best of your ability. If you had no grants or publications, you will have to add an explanation to complete the review and continue using the project.

Screenshot of project due for review

Once review is completed, allocations can be requested and renewed again.


Once a project is no longer in use, it can be archived. Archiving a project removes it from your active list and expires all allocations associated with it.