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🎓 Training Resources

As part of our mission to support research at Clemson University, the Research Computing and Data, Engagement (RCDE) team strives to provide high-quality training materials for the HPC community. This section of our documentation provides an overview of our available training resources.


Want to learn more about high-performance computing, data science, visualization, and machine learning? Consider participating in one of our workshops!

Live Sessions

Each semester, our team will offer live sessions for a selection of workshops from our catalog. Many of these offer both in-person and virtual participation options, so you can join us in the way that works best for you.

You can visit the Upcoming Live Sessions page to find out which live sessions are being offered this semester.

Self-Guided Online Course

Most of our workshops are available as an online course, which covers the same material as the live session.

The online course allows you to review the materials at your own pace. These are a great alternative if you are not able to join us for the live session, or even to review what you learned previously!

If a self-guided format is available, you will find a link at the bottom of the details page for the workshop. Browse the workshop catalog to get started.