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Quota Management

Each storage allocation on Indigo has a quota, which defines the maximum amount of data that can be stored in your space.

Keeping your data within your allocated quota is critical to the functionality of your storage space. This page explains how to determine your quota, your current usage, and other useful information.

Quota Usage Calculation

Your quota usage is slightly different from the logical amount of disk space used. For more details, please see the Owner's Guide.

Checking Quota Usage

The easiest way to check your quota usage will vary based on how you connect to Indigo.

From Palmetto

You can check your quota from Palmetto by following these steps:

  1. Connect to the login node.

  2. At the prompt, enter the checkproject command, followed by your project space name.

    For example, if your space is /project/myresearch, the name would be myresearch.

    checkproject myresearch
  3. Press Enter or Return to run the command.

  4. You can use the Total Capacity, Used, and Available values displayed in the output to understand your quota and usage.

    $ checkproject myresearch
    Date: Fri Sep 22 16:50:57 EDT 2023
    Project Space : /project/myresearch
    Total Capacity : 1000 GB
    Used : 78 GB
    Available : 922 GB

From Open OnDemand

You can use the quota app in Open OnDemand to view your usage.

From Windows, over SMB Protocol

Viewing your usage on Windows is easy. Simply open the File Explorer and go to This PC.

If you have already mapped your Indigo space as a network drive, you will see it listed under Network locations along with its current usage, just like any other storage device attached to your computer.

Screenshot of the file explorer app with an arrow pointed towards an example indigo space network drive.

From macOS, over SMB Protocol

To view your usage on macOS, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Open your project space in the Finder.


    This must be the root directory of your project, not a subfolder.

    Screenshot of the finder app.

  2. At the top of the Finder window, click the perform tasks button, which looks like a circle with three horizontal dots in it. Then, from the menu that appears, select Get Info.

    Screenshot of the finder app with an arrow pointing towards the selected perform tasks button with another arrow pointing at the get info option from the menu.

  3. From the information window that appears, you can see the Capacity, Available, and Used rows to learn more about your quota.

    Screenshot of the network drive information with an arrow/box around the capacity, available, and used rows.

From Ubuntu, over SMB Protocol

To view your usage on Ubuntu, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Files app and select your project space from the sidebar.

    Screenshot of an arrow pointing towards the opened files app with another arrow pointing at the project space in the sidebar.

  2. From the overflow menu in the address bar, select the Properties option.

    Screenshot of an arrow pointing towards the selected overflow menu with another arrow pointing at the properties option.

  3. In the Properties window that appears, you can see the amount of used and free space, the total capacity, and a pie chart that visually describes your usage.

    Screenshot of the properties window with an arrow/box around the used and free space on the project space.