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Job Builder


This Job Builder is a new feature of our documentation site. We would love your input on the usability, functionality, and benefits of this form. Please use the feedback button at the bottom of the page to let us know what you think!

Hardware Request

Hardware Availability
Please review the Hardware Table to learn more about compute node configurations and hardware currently in use. Users can request resources in use, but the job may need to wait in the queue.

The number of tasks are the number of separate processes you plan to launch in parallel. For MPI jobs, this is number of MPI processes (the argument passed with '-np'). If unsure, leave at 1. Note that increasing this number will not guarantee a faster runtime.

The number of CPU cores per task. If unsure, leave at 1. Note that increasing this number will not guarantee a faster runtime.

This specifies the amount of memory you need per task. The different units are kilobytes(kb), megabytes(mb), gigabytes(gb), and terabytes(tb). If using multiple tasks, this is automatically converted to memory per cpu.

Use GPUs?

Users can specify whether or not they want to use GPU resources. By default, no GPU resources are assigned to jobs.

Feature Constraints

Enables high-speed communication between multiple GPUs. Only select if your programs support using multiple GPUs in parallel.

Users can specify additional constraints required for their job. Please visit the complete list of feature constraints for more information. Leave blank if none are needed. List each constraint and separate them with a comma. Exclude spaces.
Ex: gpu_interconnect_pcie,chip_manufacturer_intel

Job Details

Walltime is the maximum amount of real-world time your job should take to complete. Once the time expires, your job will be terminated if it is still running.

Would you like to use an owner queue?

Allows you to request a specific partition for the resource allocation. If unsure, leave at no.

Users with multiple slurm accounts can select which one this job is assigned to. This account will also handle the billing of the job. For a complete list of your accounts, use the command sacctmgr show assoc user=USERNAME format=account%64,user in a Palmetto 2 terminal. Leave blank for default account.

Batch or Interactive?

sbatch is used to submit a batch script. A batch script will contain details of your resource request, software modules, and commands/programs to be run. Interactive will display a salloc command you can run in the terminal.
For more information on different job types, please visit the interactive and batch jobs page.

Users can give their jobs a unique name to make it easier to find in reports. The specified name will appear along with the job id number when querying running jobs on the system. The default name is the name of the "command" specified on the command line.

Job Script

# Submit this script with: sbatch FILENAME

#SBATCH --ntasks 1 # number of tasks
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1 # number of cpu cores per task
#SBATCH --time 1:00:00 # walltime
#SBATCH --mem 1gb # amount of memory per CPU core (Memory per Task / Cores per Task)
#SBATCH --nodes 1 # number of nodes