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Using jobperf with Slurm

The jobperf command provides job statistics and live monitoring tools for both Slurm and PBS. With it, you can see live performance metrics for each node and GPU while a job is running.

jobperf Command Line Usage

The basic usage is to pass in the job ID (either PBS or Slurm):

jobperf 1214642

This will print out summary information about the job as well as summary CPU and memory resource usage. If the job is running, it will also fetch current memory, CPU, and GPU usage for each node.

For example, here is the output for a job that has completed:

Job Summary
Job Name: cluster-openfoam-4x16-fdr
Nodes: 4
Total CPU Cores: 64
Total Mem: 248gb
Total GPUs: 0
Walltime Requested: 12:00:00
Status: Finished

Overall Job Resource Usage
Percent of Request
Walltime Used 12:00:24 100.06 %
Avg CPU Cores Used 61.42 cores 95.96 %
Memory Used 27084840kb 10.42 %

At a glance, I can tell a few things about this job:

  • 100% of walltime was used. This job didn't actually finish, it was likely killed by the scheduler. It is good to not request too much walltime, but it appears this job needed more time. If I run this again, I should bump up the walltime.
  • I used 96% of requested CPU cores. This is excellent utilization. I won't have to change ncpus at all.
  • I used only 10% of my memory requests (~27GB of 248GB). It is important to give yourself a safety buffer when requesting memory (Slurm will kill jobs that reach their requested memory), but using only 10% of what was requested is wasteful. When running this job again, I should decrease the memory requests. If I use a safety margin of 50%, then that indicates my request should be for 27x1.5 = ~40GB total, or 10GB per node. Reducing this request would free up over 200GB for other users of the cluster!

When jobs are still running, the current CPU, memory, and GPU usage is displayed for each node. For example here are some results of running on a VASP job:

Job Summary
Job Name: vasp_gpu
Nodes: 2
Total CPU Cores: 4
Total Mem: 40gb
Total GPUs: 2
Walltime Requested: 01:30:00
Status: Running

Overall Job Resource Usage
Percent of Request
Walltime Used 00:02:31 2.80 %
Avg CPU Cores Used 1.03 cores 25.66 %
Memory Used 12589808kb 30.02 %

Average Per Node Stats Over Whole Job
CPU Cores Memory
Node Requested Used Requested Used
node0387 2 1.06 (53.12 %) 20.00 GB 6.01 GB (30.06 %)
node0284 2 1.06 (53.21 %) 20.00 GB 6.09 GB (30.47 %)

Fetching current usage...
Current Per Node Stats
CPU Cores Memory
Node Requested Used Requested Used
node0387 2 1.01 (50.68 %) 20.00 GB 6.01 GB (30.06 %)
node0284 2 1.01 (50.69 %) 20.00 GB 6.09 GB (30.47 %)

Node GPU Model Compute Usage Memory Usage
node0387 NVIDIA A100 80GB PCIe 98.0 % 7404 MB
node0284 NVIDIA A100 80GB PCIe 98.0 % 8296 MB

From this we can tell a few things about the job:

  • It is using one core on each node (2 were requested, so one core on each node is idle).
  • It is making very good use of the GPUs, each GPU requested is near 100% utilization.
  • It is using about 30% of memory requested. The may fluctuate over the course of the job so it may be better to wait until the job is complete before we decide we can reduce the memory requests.

You can also pass the -w option (jobperf -w <job id>). This will print all the same information as without the -w, but it will keep requesting and printing current per node CPU, memory, and GPU statistics.

jobperf HTTP Usage

If you'd rather look at the job stats in a web interface, you can do so with the -http option. This is particularly useful with the -w (watch) option on jobs that are still running:

jobperf -http -w 2977

It should print out a message like:

Started server on port 46543. View in Open OnDemand:

If you visit this link in your browser, you should see a screen like the following (after logging in):

A website showing job summary, job resource use, node resource use and graphs of resource use.

It displays the same information as would be printed to the terminal if run without the -http option, just in web form. Since we passed the -w option, it also continues to poll resource usage and dynamically plots the resource usage. The screenshot above was taken after several minutes (initially, the graphs are empty). This particular job did not request GPUs, but GPU usage will also be displayed if they were requested in the job allocation.

These plots are particularly useful in checking for patterns on resource use. This particular program goes through two overall phases:

  • meshing: uses up to 4 cores ~10GB of RAM on one node.
  • solving: there are now periods where it uses all the cores on all 4 nodes and up to 23-24GB per node.

Ideally, if your job has different phases with different resource requirements, you'd split them across different nodes, but alas, this is a commercial software and there is no easy way to split these phases.

Embedding jobperf in Batch Script

Jobperf can also record and later recall resource utilization. This can be useful in monitoring batch jobs. To do this, we can add a line like this to your batch job script:

jobperf -record -w -rate 10s -http &

This will:

  • [-record] Record the data into a database (default DB location is ~/.local/share/jobstats.db).
  • [-w -rate 10s] Poll usage every 10 seconds (rather than collect just once). You can change the 10s to be what you would like.
  • [-http] Start an web server so you can see stats while the job is running.

We use the & which will run jobperf in the background (otherwise it would block and never run the rest of your script). You do not need to pass a job ID since it is running within a job.

For example, you might have a batch script like this:

#SBATCH --job-name jobperftest
#SBATCH --ntasks 1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 2
#SBATCH --mem 2gb
#SBATCH --time 0:10:00

jobperf -record -w -http -rate 10s &

module load anaconda3/2022.10


Once the job is submitted, you can display the log file to see the jobperf URL to see live statistics (as described in the HTTP Usage above).

When the job is complete, you can see the recorded statistics by running the following from a login node:

jobperf -load -http <job-id>

This will display not only the summary statistics computed by the job scheduler, but it will also the graphs with usage for each node and GPU over time.

All jobperf Options

Use the -help option for the most up-to-date list of flags supported. These are the current flags:

  • -w: Watch mode. Jobperf will not immediately return, instead it will keep polling at the rate set by the -rate flag. This only works for currently running jobs.
  • -rate <time>: Sets the polling period in watch mode. E.g. 1s, 500ms, 10s.
  • -record: save samples (recorded in watch mode -- -w) to a database indicated by -record-db.
  • -record-db <filename>: file to use as SQLite DB. Defaults to ~/.local/share/jobstats.db.
  • -engine <enginename>: force the use of a particular job engine (either pbs or slurm). By default, jobperf will try to autodetect the scheduler.
  • -http: start an HTTP server. See HTTP Usage.
  • -http-port: start the HTTP server with a particular port. The default is to choose an arbitrary free port.
  • -http-disable-auth: disable authentication on the HTTP server. The default allows only the job owner to connect.
  • -debug: prints out debug logging. If you would like to report an error with jobperf we'd love the output of running with -debug.