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Acknowledging Palmetto

The resources on the Palmetto Cluster are available thanks to the support of both Clemson University and the National Science Foundation.


Acknowledging the National Science Foundation is required, but cluster acknowledgment is optional.

Grant Acknowledgment

Grant funding from the National Science Foundation has been used to purchase many compute nodes within the cluster. Since all cluster users benefit from utilizing grant-funded hardware, they should include an acknowledgment of these grants in their publications.

The following acknowledgment and disclaimer is required in all publications:

Acknowledgment: "This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. MRI# 2024205, MRI# 1725573, and CRI# 2010270."

Disclaimer: "Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation."


Please do not modify the grant acknowledgment or disclaimer statements; they must be used verbatim.

From time to time, we will update this page with the currently applicable grant numbers.

Cluster Acknowledgment

Through our condominium model, users can take advantage of any available resources on the cluster at no additional cost. If you have taken advantage of this free resource, please consider acknowledging the compute time allotment.

For example, the acknowledgment may look like this:

Clemson University is acknowledged for their generous allotment of compute time on the Palmetto Cluster.

Feel free to modify the cluster acknowledgment to make it fit in your paper.

Let Us Know!

We love hearing stories about what researchers are doing on Palmetto!

Share your story!

Please send our team a note through email support when your work gets published.

Periodically, we will include stories about recent publications on our website.